Resistance to Changes
Today the world develops extremely quickly, and businesses need to keep up with the times to remain attractive to the customers or even become interesting to the majority of them. Realizing this, many of them imply innovative strategies, globalize and use technologies to promote their business. P&A is an entertainment company that deals with the organization of various parties and sells different related products such as postcards, paper lanterns, etc.
The employees of the organization are focused on managing their everyday activities and turned them into routine work. As a new manager was hired, he had lots of ideas that could improve the business, but with the course of time it turned out that the employees meet all new ideas with reluctance and have no will to share them. The diversity that occurred pointed at the problems that the organization has and proved that the manager is to find a common language with the workers, become a true leader, transfer new goals to them and conduct all actions that will allow P&A to enter we market and expand successfully.
Application of the Organizational Theory
Among the best ways to improve the occurred situation is to apply organizational theory as a practical function relative to organizational structure, processes, and functions. This theory is not just the information that might be advantageous. It includes the explanation of various practices that were previously used as well as their purposes and expected outcomes. In this way, organizational theory is a guideline that can be used by P&A to define how they should act to solve the organizational issue that occurred.
Of course, the theories that are gathered under the title organizational theory have some advantages and disadvantages so they should be used in the most profitable manner. The manager needs to determine the main issues that are faced by the company and then select a theory, the usage of which is likely to fill the majority of the gaps. The practical application of organizational theory seems to be one of the easiest ways to enhance the knowledge of organizational phenomena and become more successful in business practices.
Organizational Structure
The structure of the organization plays an important role in the whole performance, as it determines the way the employees interact with one another and how they are influenced by the leaders. The implementation of the neoclassical organization theory focuses on the workers and the improvement of the working environment (Organizational theories n.d.). Its application will be beneficial for the company as the absence of accepting managerial authority occurs to be the main problem of P&A, which is entailed by other issues.
Of course, more modern theories seem to fit better, as they are more close to the current time. Still, according to the latest approach (situational), the organization is to take into consideration the environment, in which it exists and consider different variables to get to know what exactly is to be improved and which theory is to be followed by this purpose (Organizational theories n.d.).
When investigating the issues faced by P&A, it turned out that they are mainly faced because of the problems in communication. It means that the manager is to find out how to enhance human relations within the organization. Referring to the organizational theory, one can select an approach that discusses the needed aspect and utilize it while reaching the solution. As a result, the manager can see that the significance of human relations was mainly discussed by neoclassicists. The theory can be referred to as it consists not only of the assumptions but also on the results of the experimental studies. It was found that the performance improved in terms of productivity when the relations among the personnel on different levels became better. The scientists also pointed out that the attention paid to the workers influences their morale in a positive way, which increases productivity.
Applying organizational theory, the manager can consider the main aspects of human nature and use them advantageously to improve the situation. One should treat the personnel not only as a workgroup but also as individuals, who are extremely different. Following the neoclassical approach, the manager should improve the relations among the workers and superiors. One should become closer to the personnel and find out what makes them inspired in terms of their work. Both social and economic factors are vital but if there is no possibility to change the last ones, social can be altered. The manager has an opportunity to gather the employees in their free time (on the excursion, picnic or online forum for the employees) to find who they are as individuals and wh
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